Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Isn't this enough for HAPPY LIFE!

A disciple came to his guru and started asking him ..

"Guruji, in the world all are Happy except me..I think the fate had forgotten to grant me happiness. At least you bless me to have happiness in life!"

Guru asked "Is there any financial problem?" 

" No I have ample wealth to live without any hassles"

" Are there any health issues then? "

"No no Guruji, I am healthy and strong like rock"

"Does your wife troubles you at home?"

"No, She is my Gruhalakshmi!"

"Then are your children out of your control and troubling you?"

"They are the ideal children Guruji, they always listen to  me."

"Then which happiness you are in search of?" Guru asked surprisingly.

"I don't know what's it Guruji. I always feel all others out there are happy except me. and why am i not happy. I pray to god continuously to grant me happiness. I am afraid I don't get it. Kindly find a solution to my problem "

"Hey, ignorant person. the happiness is within you. Don't search for it outside. Think that you are the most happiest person on earth and it is the truth" Guru said. 

In Mahabharat, Vidhur tells Yudhistir 

"Arthagamo nityam, aarogita cha priyacha bharya priyavadini cha
vashchasya putraha artha kareecha vidya shadjeeva lokasya sukhani rajan"

Accumulation of wealth is one type of happiness, life without illness is another form of happiness. Truthful wife is the happiest part. Having Obedient son is a type of happiness, the happiness out of knowledge is the atmost happiness. 

"You have all the above said happiness with you, still you are sad. Go and express your gratitude to GOD for giving you these happiness in life! understand, appreciate and live happily" Guru told to shishya.

We also look at the things we don't have instead of looking at things we do have, and are sad in life. Let's be grateful to GOD for all the things we have in our life and LET'S BE HAPPY!

-Team BalavikasaGurukulam!

Translated version of the original article by Dr. Ganapathi Hegde, Sanskrit Professor.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful article. Wish we all understand that happiness is within us and be grateful that we’re blessed with this wonderful life🙏
